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The Challenges

The humanitarian challenge in Gaza, which on normal days is challenging and not simple, has become a real difficulty in coordination in these complex days of fighting in the Gaza Strip.
The increasing difficulty in the face of the rapidly rising needs emphasize even more strongly the need for organizations to prepare for the transfer of aid in an optimal way.
All this, without forgetting that the challenge of preparing for "the day after" entails even greater difficulties

Know The Field

Know To Coordinate 

At this time, coordination with all the relevant players, led by Israel, Egypt and also the Palestinian Authority, is necessary. Admittedly, it is not required to coordinate all the players all the time, but the principle of coordination is very basic

Know To Collaborate

In order to optimize the available resources and enable a better and faster transfer of humanitarian aid that will eventually reach the resident who needs it, it is necessary to create new collaborations

Know the interests

In such a complex and multi-player system, in which there are a large number of interests, some of which are opposite, some of which are complementary and some of which are competing, it must be recognized as a basis for understanding all the interests of the various players, which are sometimes different than it first appears

We Know GAZA

Only an understanding of the three conditions, coordination, cooperation and the understanding of interests, will enable the ability to identify opportunities and enable a significant and efficient activity of transferring humanitarian aid while significantly saving time and money

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